Unparalleled Musician
Ash by Renae Saxby
Give us a little bit of background, where do you live, what's your profession, why did you choose it, and how long have you been in it?
I currently live in London, and I'm a musician. I've been playing since I was a teenager. It's always been my main outlet for expression and helps me feel present and connected to a purpose in life.
We saw you perform the beautiful song ‘Phosphorous’ in a little bar in Camden and couldn’t stop listening to it, tell us about the inspiration behind this piece.
I wrote Phosphorus one night looking up at Lions Head mountain in Cape Town. The initial imagery of the song was of inhaling a cosmic night sky, clearing my energy, it was a ‘one with the universe’ experience. The chorus lyrics are "She loves me when the moon is up. Why you gotta love so tough?". By "she" I mean a guiding universal power that I'm trusting in.
Where were you and what were your first thoughts as the pandemic began to take hold and eventually disrupt life as we know it?
I was in London. My first thought was it wouldn't last long, and I wasn't too affected as I needed to be home finishing off a new record anyway. Two months later, the world has changed dramatically.
How has the virus affected you and your industry in general?
The main thing is that it's stopped all major live shows and festivals for the foreseeable future, which is a massive part of the industry's revenue, and something I, as an artist love to do.
“I hope to create and release beautiful music that connects people with their hearts”
What have been the most difficult challenges for your business / your working life, and how did you approach them?
It has been hard not being able to play live and working alone with new technology.
What are your top 3 tips or suggestions for your fellow professionals when it comes to maintaining creativity and or motivation?
Keep yourself energised and the channels clear. Get out of the house for a walk/run at least once a day. Exercise, meditation and healthy food are key.
Watch, listen or read the creations that inspire you. For me, that could be incredible music or a documentary about extraordinary creators.
Try to work in a room/space where you can zone in and focus without distractions.
Tell us a little bit about ‘Dance with Me’ what inspired the lyrics for this song?
'Dance With Me' in a way is about loneliness. I was spending some time alone in nature for a couple weeks, which I love, but then in moments of elation I'd wanna share it with someone. So the song is also a call out to a lover to come dance in the forest and be free. I started the song in the New Forest (UK), and finished it after an adventure in Springbrook National Park, Australia. The studio version is coming out on the next EP.
“It’s advancing a lot of exciting changes to the way people create.”
Have you adopted different working practices that have changed your perspective on how things can be achieved, has technology played a part in this, how?
Yes, I've been working with audio engineers remotely, which could really free up how I record new material in the future.
What do you think the future holds for your industry?
People are recording remotely and playing Live Stream shows; there's a lot of innovation happening. It's advancing a lot of exciting changes to the way people create, market and experience music. I think it's important to flow with it, stay savvy and optimistic.
All images courtesy of Renae Saxby
What have been your hardest personal challenges?
Learning new technological skill sets with audio and video. As an independent artist, it can be overwhelming jumping between roles, like the management/admin work and the more creative sides like songwriting.
What coping mechanisms have you adopted to help you through this crisis?
I am trying not to be too hard on myself. To be honest, I haven't as yet been as productive as I'd hoped, but sometimes I've needed to focus on just keeping myself sane and healthy.
How has your perspective changed on life since the pandemic began?
It's made me want to live by the sea and spend more time in nature. I feel I have more patience for reaching my creative goals, and a desire to be more self-reliant on the technical aspects of creating content.
What have you missed during the lockdown and what's the one thing you can't live without?
Freedom to travel to other countries.The ocean. Restaurants and galleries. Getting together with friends, dance parties, hugs and festivals. I can't live without my guitar.
What are your hopes for the future professionally and personally?
I hope to create and release beautiful music that connects people with their hearts. I want to inspire freedom and love. To travel and create with inspiring people. To base myself in wild places where the community lives in harmony with nature and love and support each other.
To find out more about Ash and hear more of his beautiful music, visit his website here.
All images courtesy of Renae Saxby