Leigh Maynard is Editor in Chief of Swift Magazine. Swift is an online lifestyle magazine with an emphasis on fashion and culture. Based in London, Leigh has worked with award-winning digital magazine Katachi, streetwear platform Traffique and is a freelance video/stills producer for various fashion brands. She was a Contributing Editor for Boyfriend Magazine with Brian James where they covered fashion from the past to the present as well as music, film, and culture and she regularly contributes to magazines such as Schön, TMRW, Flanelle, 5 Eleven and Noctis.
With an extensive background in the fashion sphere, Leigh has regularly focused on the ethical and environmental impact of fashion, covering interviews with several prominent members of the fashion community from Sølve Sundsbø, Ivana Giachini, Eunice Olumide, Omi Chaudhury, Mark Fast, Antony Waller and designer Daniel w. Fletcher.